Is there one right next step?

I'm sitting in a coffee shop in our college town, and there are two friends next to me talking about the closing of a major chapter in their lives.

“Do you think there's one right next step?” one just asked. I can hear the nerves as she asks that-maybe from a blend of her vulnerable question and the anxiety of what her friend's answer might be. Immediately, I saw myself in her shoes.

Terrified I might pick the wrong college, the wrong major. Then so scared that I was going to make the wrong “first move” in my post-grad career. Even as an adult, I get so stuck, so paralyzed by the idea of what my next move is and if it will end up being the right one.

So, since it would be super awkward for me to interject in to this conversation between two friends, I'll say this to you.

You. Have. Permission.

Permission to pivot to whatever you need, whenever you need to.

Permission to change your mind, say “I made a mistake” and redirect.

Permission to stay somewhere that feels really good as long as you want.

Permission to build something amazing when you can't find it elsewhere.

Permission to close what you've built to join in another's dreams.

Permission to slow, stop, or start back up in the rhythm that keeps you safe and keeps your life feeling sustainable.

You can absolutely have plans and hopes and strategies to work towards your goals, but leave room to be human. Leave room to grow. Leave room to just focus on the next right thing, not the only right thing.

In the most positive, life giving way, nothing on this earth is permanent. Dance in that freedom, friend.

Where are you feeling the pull? What is your next right thing?